by JestaAriadne

Oookay, I TOTALLY FAIL at writing and these are rather... stupid but not in a hilariously funny way. But, so as to prevent the ending of the world only two days into this challenge, I'm going to post stuff anyway!! See, That was the whole point of this, right? I eventually shall improve, I hope..... And the world shall not explode on my watch!

Buaha, anyway. I'm quite sleepy. Happy Christmas :)s



Macavity: Muahahaa!

Jemima: Teehee.

Macavity: MUAHAHAHA!

Jemima: Heeee.

Macavity: [slightly unnerved] MUAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!

Jemima: Teeheehiddleiho!

Macavity: [a desperate edge creeping in] MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Macavity: ...I did say MUAHAHAHA, didn't I?

Jemima: Yes...

Macavity: And I am all, like, spiky and red with XTREME zigzag patterns?

Jemima: Yep.

Macavity: And red nails?

Jemima: [has to check this] Um, yes, but um why red nails?

Macavity: [thrown off his stride slightly] Because red is my colour, in case you hadn't noticed!

Jemima: Ah. Teehee.

Macavity: [voice cracking] WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME??

Jemima: ...Because you're funny? [glances at the distraught Macavity] Um... [She pats him on the head] Sorry?

Macavity: [sniffs] Everyone used to laugh at me... just because I looked different! They said I wasn't even a cat at all! Just a - a fiend in feline shape!

Jemima: Um, actually, people still say that.

Macavity: YOU SEE? And then whenever I... broke the law of gravity... [Breaks off; continues in a wail] Do you know howembarrassing it is to just start floating in the middle of Jenny's sewing class?

Jemima: [momentarily distracted] Jenny made you do sewing too? ...I mean.. um, no, I don't... Um. Sorry?

Macavity: ...I mean, it's not as if I'm only the slightly odd-looking cat around here! I mean, take Old Deuteronomy! I mean, what is going on there?? Just what is so wonderful about walking around like a giant hearth rug the whole time??

Jemima: Hehe! Giant hearth rug! That's brilliant!

Macavity: is?

Jemima: Yes! You're really funny, Macavity! I mean, you say really funny things! You've got a natural talent for it.

Macavity: Really?

Jemima: [sweetly] Really.





Chapter 1: Revelations

2am on an exquisitely starry night a few days after the Jellicle Ball saw two kittens sitting on a rooftop. Excitable mews could be heard from a surprising distance away. This was girl-talk, Electra and Etcetera style. Which basically meant Etcetera talking and Electra resisting the temptation to throw herself off the roof.

"...and don't get me started on that voice... Oooh! It's like-- he speaks straight to my soul, you know?? The - like, resonances are so deep and meaningful, it's like... a spiritual experience whenever he talks to me..."

"Yuh-huh.." said Electra, vaguely. It felt like about half an hour since Etcetera started talking.

"And, ohh, his body..."

"Yes, yes I think you've mentioned his-" began Electra, hoping desperately to stem the flow of fangirlishness. She wondered if it would be considered impolite if she just went inside now and left Etcy to it. Or possibly knocked her out with a Jellicle nerve grip...

10 minutes later...

She was still talking.

"And when he - "

Just then, there was an abrupt snore from Electra.

"Elly!! LISTEN!" yelled Etcetera in a piercing shriek. "THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!"

"OWWw, what is? Etcy, seriously, I do actually know that you're madly in love with the Rum Tum Tugger. It is just the teensiest bit blindingly obvious, I'm afraid."

"Tugger?" said Etcy.

"Yes!" said Electra.

"Tugger?" said Etcy.

"Yes..." said Electra, a little more cautiously in case the mere mention of his name was about to send Etcetera into some sort of fit.

"I'm not talking about Tugger!"

Electra sighed. "Yes, I know you like talking about Tugger, but -- ...what??"

"I'm talking about Munkustrap! Honestly, weren't you listening?"

Electra's brain was having considerable trouble dealing with this double revelation. Eventually, she managed: "TugMunkawhat??"
