Scars of a Tightrope Walker
By Julianna

Disclaimer: I do not own CATS. I swear! Lol. So please, don't sue! I'm just a fan, tellin' a story, and all that jazz. However, Stalinclaw, Luarz, Blaize and Tayki are all my own madeup characters (isn't that funny that they're all henchcats?), so please don't steal them. Also, this story is mine. Though I may not own the characters...the plot is mine! Lol. Ok, on to the story.


A smaller tom was thrown to the wall.

"Oh, come on, Mungojerrie. You can do better than that." The ginger tom began to pace.

"Oy, guv. Oi jus' wusin' reaidy fer et." Mungojerrie rubbed the back of his head.

"Well, you should've been on your mark. Suppose an attacker used that action as a counter move. Would you have been ready then?" Macavity sighed. "Now, try it again."

Mungojerrie nodded and pushed himself up. He never really liked it when Macavity tried to teach him how to fight, but he knew it was essential to every henchcat. Shrugging the thought off his mind, he crouched down in fighting position, readying himself for his opponent's next assault.

Macavity stretched his claws and finally joined Mungojerrie for the pro-fighting position. For a while nothing happened, but all was going to plan. Macavity intended see if whether or not Mungojerrie would bend the rules.

Mungojerrie sat there. Totally prepared. This was unusual for Macavity. He always made the first move in fighting drills and he surely would've attacked by now. So, as a normal reaction, Mungojerrie didn't budge.

Macavity's mouth curved into an approving smile. "Very good." He exclaimed. "Very good indeed. Most cats would have attacked by now, but you kept your wits. Good boy." Suddenly, he lunged towards Mungojerrie.

Mungojerrie was ready though. He jumped out of the way and gave Macavity a forceful swipe.

"Even better." Macavity said gleefully.

How he managed to be so light-spirited during the fighting lessons, Mungojerrie would never know. However, now was not a time to think about this. Now, was the time to plan for the next attack.

Macavity's back leg shot underneath Mungo, planning to knock him to the floor, but backfired. Mungo leapt into the air.

Mungojerrie was getting better. A few more days of training and he could be well qualified to battle most any duel. Taking this to mind, Macavity decided to make this fight a little more challenging.

Macavity's tail whipped through the air, slicing Mungojerrie's left thigh. With enough force he could've made the wound twice as deep, however, that was not the point of the fighting lessons. The point was to prepare a henchcat for fighting, not a punishment.

Mungojerrie bit his lip and mumbled a curse. Now, Macavity had fully aroused himself and was advancing on him. Mungo began to back up. He immediately stopped after two steps and stood his ground.

Macavity raised a solitary paw, but Mungo didn't cower. Therefore, he brought it down upon Mungo, hitting him square in the face.

Mungo stumbled and quickly charged towards Macavity. Returning the hit with a mighty punch in the stomach.

Macavity didn't even flinch, but, as a natural reaction, he threw Mungo against the wall with a powerful swipe. Pinning him down, he smacked (claws unsheathed) Mungojerrie clear across the cheek.

Mungojerrie blinked slightly before kicking Macavity in the shin. The opponent's grip ceded slightly, so Mungo, taking all his strength, quickly charged into Macavity, running him straight into the opposing wall. He replicated Macavity's previous move, by pinning the tall cat to the wall. He knew very well that he could not hold him there, so he shoved a claw up to his neck.

The Napoleon of Crime repented. Staying completely still, he lowered his eyes to match the victor's. "Excellent." He said, emotionless. "Coming along remarkably."

Mungojerrie nodded and recoiled from his attack. Macavity slipped away from the calico tom and went over to a near-by drink table.

"Care for some water? Milk, Friskey's?" Macavity offered, pouring himself a glass of cloudy bronze-looking liquid from a glass bottle.

"Sum wata' be foine." Mungo replied, turning and walking over to a chair. He collapsed into the armchair, fully exhausted.

Macavity poured the drinks and joined Mungojerrie within the small resting area. Handing the tiger-like tom his drink, he sat in a opposing chair. He didn't speak, just eyed the tom with thought.

Mungojerrie sipped the drink. The cold liquid magically soothed his dry throat, replenishing the younger cat with energy.

Macavity was the first to break the silence. "So." The word lingered slightly as Mungojerrie looked up from his drink, "I see you've been practicing."

"Well, nowt re'ala'. Jus' uh bit. Oi've beein koinda' busaye wef stealin' an' aoll, bout Oi manage to werk et en eh'v'raye wonce an' uh whoile." Mungo replied. He looked down into his cup and saw a drop of blood fall into the clear fluid. He immediately remembered the sharp smack Macavity had given him. Funny how you never really noticed a painful injury until attention was brought up about them.

Macavity noticed the crimson wound across the multicolored tom's face. That swipe had done a little more damage than intended. However, he didn't apologize, nor did he care to offer him a bandage. He simply ignored it. What was done was done, and he was not going to lower himself to presenting the tom with any sort of sympathy. That could brew trouble amongst the rest of the henchcats, causing them to grow suspicious in thinking that he favored Mungojerrie.

However, in the most acute way, he did favor Mungojerrie. One of his best henchcats in fact, so he had all the more reason to like him. He was quick, clever, and funny. He could bring a smile to the ginger cat's face any day of the week. Stalinclaw (Macavity's best henchcat) couldn't even do that. No, no. Stalinclaw could never so that. Stalinclaw was for more"dangerous" reasons while Mungojerrie was for stealing and socializing with. Stalinclaw couldn't steal a dime even if they didn't have a police system. He was too big and would end up trying to beat up the store clerk instead of making a quick get-away. He was more of a strong sidekick than anything. And don't even get started about socializing with him. He was not talkative and always agreed with everything Macavity said. But Mungo. Mungo was a diamond ring when it came to having a good one on one conversation with. He was interesting and could give you an opinion wavered by none other than himself. Macavity could confide some of his deepest secrets with the tom and be secure that Mungo would never tell a living soul about it. Mungo was also a first-class stealer. You name it, he'd steal it. Leave no traces or clues, and if he so happened to be caught in the act, he could make a speedy get-away before the police would have a chance to distinguish what was missing. If he was questioned he could make the most elaborate alibi right off the top of his head. Yes, Mungojerrie in Macavity's eyes reminded him of a mini-calico version of himself, just less violent.

That was one thing Macavity needed to work on. He had trained Mungojerrie in everything that the tiger tom was already good at, except fighting and killing. Mungo was getting better at fighting, yes, but he never would kill another cat. Now, if Macavity had been a Jellicle, he would have looked upon this as a fine trait, but he wasn't, so he didn't. He scorned on this and forced Mungojerrie to the breaking point. However, he could never quite bring him to where he would actually kill anything. The calico simply refused. This quality must've been acquired from the Jellicles, if not enhanced by it. Yes, the Jellicles. In order to get Mungojerrie to do what he wanted, he would have to slowly guide him away from the Jellicles. Working him harder was just getting him tired and hurt. There had to be some way to get him from giving in daily visit to the tribe, to get him from being one of them.

His train of thought was interrupted by Mungo's silent yawn. Mungojerrie was incredibly tired and his muscles ached horribly.

"Ef Oi maye, guv. Oi'm wern owut an' et's twoe en tha' murnin'. Maye Oi gowe 'ome nowe?" Mungo said sleepily, concluding with a long yawn.

Macavity would have to let him go. There was nothing else he could make him do. He was way to tired to fight or set out on stealing, and his wounds would have to be addressed to fairly soon.

"Yes, Mungojerrie. You are dismissed." Macavity sighed. He'd have to ponder on the Jellicles some other time.

Mungojerrie gave a little nod and stood up. He walked to the door, but lingered at the doorway. "W'ot toime dowe Oi need ta be 'ere ta'murrow?" He asked, dreading he say an early time.

Macavity narrowed his eyes in thought. "Be here around noon, but no later than two o'clock. That'll be fine for you to get some sleep, yes?"

"Oieye." Mungo replied. With that, he turned and left the room.


"Twoe?" Mungojerrie growled, he wasn't at all pleased with the time at all, "'e woants mie ta bie thare a' twoe?" He punched a passing trash can, causing the lid to fall off with a mighty crash. Rats scurried away, but Mungo was in no mood to chase one. Instead, he continued down the alleyway, totally infuriated by the situation.

He gave out a soft snort as he came to the intersection of the small alleyway with St. Bernard's Street. Then the big decision hit him. He could take a left and go sleep at the junkyard for tonight, which was much closer than turning right and going home to Victoria Grove (where Rumpelteazer probably was asleep). Despite what his body wanted, he pushed himself to take a right.

"W'ot's 'e troiyen' ta dowe, keeip mie frum mie ohwne frends?" He sighed in disgust.

By this rate he would be home shortly after three o'clock. He possibly wouldn't wake up until noon, leaving him two hours at most to eat, say hi to his sister, and make it all the way back to the lair. There would be no time to go to the junkyard to visit with some of his other friends.

He kicked a lonesome tin can from off the sidewalk. Sometimes he wished he never had joined Macavity, but his other half couldn't bring him away from the job. He learned a lot from the position and was quite fond of the stealing part of it. Well, he thought, if I absolutely needed to, I'd quit. Macavity would understandhopefully.

That was just it. He didn't know if he could. It wasn't the mental strain that it could cause, but the fact of whether he was physically able to. To tell the truth, he didn't know of a single cat who had quit. This discouraged him.

He turned at the pale gravel driveway, which gave a dull glow in the moonlight. Guarded by two large, iron gates, he quickly slipped under and headed up to the mansion.

Victoria Grove was a huge house, owned by the Mistress Gloria and Master Watson. One of the richest families in London. Gloria and Watson George had a 19-year-old son and a 14-year-old daughter, by the names of Alexander (Alex) and Mary. Mary was always attached to the cats, Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, which mainly was the reason of why they remained pets of the household. They were always creating mischief about the house, and of an approximate sum, they had broken well over a million dollars worth of vases. That was just vases though. They stole the jewelry, expensive family inherited pieces, and upon occasion, a dinner or two.

The mansion itself was painted white with an emerald green roof and shutters. It was three stories high, and had a magnificent hall way that stretch through the whole house. As Mungo approached the silent house, it began to remind him of a huge haunted castle in one of those old horror films. The moon had gone behind a cloud, producing the white house of a musty gray while the green resembled more of a black than anything. It looked rather spooky and if Mungo had been a new comer, he would've approached the house with more caution. However, he'd seen the house too many times to really notice. It looked quite nice in the daylight, but the nighttime cast that eerie illusion.

He clambered through the cat flap in the back of the house. Immediately, he was set in a deserted kitchen. He quickly trotted up the stairs to Mary's room. He came to her door. The light wasn't on, but he pushed the slightly cracked door open with his nose.

He tiptoed into the room. Rumpelteazer lay fast asleep in their warm cushion-bed. He smiled. She always was asleep by the time he made it home. He made his way over to the bed and silently hopped into it. He paused as Rumpel gave a short sleepy moan and stretched her arms. He waited as she got back to sleep, then curled up around her. He snuggled in a little closer to provide him with some more warmth. Then, as quickly as he had settled in, he drifted off into a soundless sleep.


He was awoken by a sharp and painful stinging sensation in his cheek. He flew one, wary eye open just as a big white cloth was shoved into his face. Startled, he jumped up from the bed. As he gathered his senses, he noticed it was just Mary trying to clean his face with a cloth.

"Sorry, bud. Just trying to clean your face. You got some pretty nasty cuts. Didn't mean to wake you up." She apologized.

Mungo let out a soft sigh of relief. He forgot to clean his wounds last night. They must be horrible.

Before he could make another move, Mary quickly scooped him up into her arms and began to finish the previous task.

"I'm supposing, you got in a fight with another cat." Mary scolded, "You shouldn't be doing that. You could get hurt real badly." She gave him one final wipe and smiled. "But I bet you beat the pants off that other tom." She said, giving him a short kiss on the forehead.

With that, she set him down, gave her brief good-byes and left the room.

Immediately, Mungojerrie jumped up on the dresser and began to inspect his wounds in the mirror. Sure enough, there were four large gashes across his cheek and a small scratch on the bridge of his nose. He scrunched his face in disgust and began to look closer at the cuts.

"Yeah, Oi bet ya beat 'im aolroight." Came a cockney frosted voice from his left. He was so preoccupied by his wounds, he didn't even notice Rumpelteazer sitting upon the edge of the dresser.

Mungo gave a slight chuckle. "Oi shur' ded." He replied coolly, turning to face her.

She smiled. "Guud Murnin' er shud Oi saye afta'noon Oi sayved ya sum breakfust. Mary an' Oi dedn't woant ta wake ya. Youwe seeimed sooooooooooooo toired." She said, giving him a quick rub.

Mungo's eyes widened. "W'ot toime es et?" He exclaimed, frantically looking for the clock.

"Et's 'bout one fefteein. Whoiy?" Rumpel asked quizzically.

Mungo shot off the dresser and raced out of the room. Catching Rumpel off guard, she quickly ran after him.

After bounding down the stairs, taking two steps at a time, he made it to the landing and ran to the kitchen. The cook immediately shooed him out the cat flap. As he dashed across the lawn, he heard Rumpel call after him, "W'otcha doin', Mungo? Ya, fergowt ya'r breakfust!!"

He whirled around. Rumpel came trotting up to him. "W'otcha gowe an' dowe t'at fer? Ya gowt uh traine ta catch wef Skimbole?" She joked.

"Oi" he started, "Oigowt ta gowe dowe sum stuoff. Oi'll bie bahck" he searched for a term, "prettie suun."

"Mungowe" Rumpel pouted, "Oi woant'd ya ta cume ta tha' juonkya' tadaiye."

"Oi cahn't, sis. Oi gowt plahns tadaiye." Mungo replied solemnly.

Rumpel's face grew suspicious. "W'ot koinda plans?"

"Cahn't tulk nowe, Oi gutta gowe! Serry! Oi'll siee ya lata'." He tickled her under the chin until she gave a guilty smile.

"Okaye, stop!" She swatted her brother's paw away.

With that, he gave her a quick wink and continued his mad sprint to Macavity's Lair.


As he rounded the corner to the entrance of the old warehouse, which was where one of the many hideaways that Macavity occupied, he got to thinking if he could ask Macavity if he could have the day off. Just to be with his sister. He quickly decided against it, before entering the secret lair.

He passed through the halls, deep in thought. So absorbed, he didn't even notice where he was going. Before he knew it, he had run straight into Stalinclaw.

Stalinclaw was never very fond of Mungojerrie, and to tell the truth, he was never in a good mood. Mungojerrie understood to keep clear out of his way at all times.

Stalinclaw glared down at the shorter tom with complete antipathy. "I'd watch where you're going, Jerrie. Next time won't be as forgiving." He growled.

"Sumewone woke uop owne tha' wreng soide ov tha' bed." Mungo mumbled, before starting off again.

Stalinclaw grabbed his tail and shoved him against the wall. "For your information, I didn't sleep at all last night. I suggest that if you'd like to live until tomorrow, you better get your act together and learn something about the word "respect"." He hissed. Then adding with a smile, "Oh, I'm sorry. You must not be past that level in kindergarten yet."

Mungo glared at him with cold, silted eyes. "Well, at leayst Oi'm nowt sum guud-fer-nuthin' 'enchcat t'at dun evan knowe 'ow ta steyal." Mungo hissed back.

"Why you little" Stalinclaw raised a huge paw, but was interrupted by a quiet cough.

The two toms looked up to see Macavity eyeing them with the utmost dissatisfaction. "May I ask why two of my finest henchcats are fighting in a narrow hallway of my own quarter?" Came the smooth, untainted voice from his cold, emotionless lips.

Stalinclaw's mouth became stiff as he let go of the striped tom's fur. He shot a fatal glare at Mungo one last time, before turning on his heel and stalking off.

Macavity watched him leave before his golden eyes darted over to Mungojerrie.

"1:55. Any posterior and I would have considered you late." He said, his dangerous eyes glancing from the tom to the end of the hallway where Stalinclaw had just disappeared and back to Mungojerrie.

"Oi-uh" Mungo stuttered nervously. He could obviously see Macavity was not in a good mood today.

"Over-slept?" Macavity offered, his face still deathly emotionless.

"Yea'." Mungo said guiltily. He looked down at the floor. He didn't want to look the menacing ginger cat in the eyes.

Silence lay between them as Macavity eyed the younger tom. He sat there starring at his lowered eyes until Mungojerrie finally looked up.

"Very well then." Macavity said in a dismissive tone. He turned and walked to a door near-by. He stopped and without looking at the calico, he said, "Now, Mungojerrie, if you are telling me a story I'd advise you to speak up immediately, for if, and I will, find out, you can see a harsh punishment in your near future."

Mungojerrie looked up, his eyes growing wide. "No, 'ones', guv! Oi uverslehpt! Oi sware!" Mungo piped up. How come every time he tried to tell the truth, it always seemed like he was fibbing?

"Ok." Macavity said, still not looking over to the tom, "If you will, I have some plans for you today. We shall converse them in my office; the hallway is no place for a discussion."

Mungo nodded and quickly walked into the office.

As he entered, a faint flicker from a light above revealed the dark room from its shadows. Though the light was not bright and extremely dim, you could still see quite a deal more than previously. Not much had changed from the last time Mungo had been in this office. The room smelled musty and surely hadn't been dusted in years. All the ratty torn curtains were drawn over most of the windows, leaving only patches of sunlight gleaming through the rips. The only window that wasn't drawn was a fairly large one to the left that overlooked the lower level of the warehouse. There was a majestic fireplace located in the center of the far wall. In front of the fireplace was a old Victorian rug and on either side of the fireplace was shelf after shelf of books. Macavity had one of the most extensive libraries Mungojerrie had ever encountered. However, on the end there were a few filing cabinets. Mungojerrie could only assume that they were filled with important documents and papers for he had never looked in them and several of them seemed to be locked. The only piece of furniture that didn't seem it was being neglected, was his huge, rich mahogany desk off the right wall. It had papers strewn about it and two chairs on either side (Macavity's being the largest chair).

Mungojerrie sat down in the smallest chair at his desk and began to fiddle with his thumbs. Something about this room just made him feel nervous. It surely must have been the atmosphere the room reflected, and if not, it was definitely the fact that Mungojerrie never really went into his office. When Macavity wanted him to do something, he always just said it and walked off. The calico was rarely pulled into the ginger cat's office for a private meeting. This made him slightly curious as to what great "quest" Mungo was to receive for today.

Macavity closed the door and walked over to his desk. He sat and began to forage through some of the papers on his desk. Mungojerrie's large, hazel eyes followed the black paws as they danced through the papers. He picked up one paper, read about the first line, then proceeded in crumpling it up and throwing it into the trash can. He repeated this step several times until his eyes fell upon a slightly wrinkled, yellow-tinted paper. Macavity straightened himself in his chair and began to read. Mungojerrie tried to read what it was that he held in his hands, but being it was a dark room and he couldn't see through the paper, he gave up.

Minutes began to tick by as they still sat in silence, and then Macavity's eyes broke free from the parchment that he was examining and looked up at Mungojerrie. When Macavity had been reading, Mungo had let his eyes roam aimlessly around, so took him a minute to realize that Macavity was starring at him. Feeling uncomfortable by the everlasting stare-down, Mungojerrie quietly asked, "Uh, guv, w'ot ar wie doin'?"

Macavity stood up and walked over to the large window behind Mungojerrie in silence. Mungo didn't turn to watch him. As the Napoleon of Crime looked out the window onto his headquarters, he began to speak in a calm voice, "Funny you should ask that, Mungojerrie. I really don't have any plans for you today." He paused, "However, there is one thing that has struck my attention that I need to receive from you."

"W'ot maiye t'at bie, guv?" Mungo asked cautiously.

"A reasonably long explanation." Macavity said, his voice becoming cold.

Mungojerrie's eyebrow's burrowed in confusion, but said nothing.

Taking his silence as an answer, Macavity proceeded in asking, "Mungo, how do you spell your name?" His tone becoming calm yet dangerous.

Mungo was taken by surprise at the request. "S'hurel'aye, ya knowe 'ow"

"Do it, Mungojerrie." Macavity interrupted.

"M-U-N-G-O-J-E-R-R-I-E" Mungojerrie said catiously, "W'oiy?"

Macavity turned and walked up behind the younger tom. Leaning down, he hissed, "Not ringing a bell?" When Mungo only shook his head, Macavity threw down the yellowed paper in front of the calico.

As Mungo studied the paper, he exclaimed slowly, "T'at's mie cun." He stopped abruptly during the sentence. Suddenly, it hit him.

"Yes," Macavity's lip curved into an evil grin, "It is your contract. The very one you signed on October 15th clearly stating that you were to work for me." Macavity sauntered back to his chair as he continued to explain the matter on hand, "When I handed you your drink yesterday after the fight, your nametag reflected the light and caught my eye. Normally, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but I had noticed that your name seemed a little peculiar. It was so peculiar that after you left I looked up your contract and studied it thoroughly. Do you know what I found? I found that you had signed your name 'M-O-N-G-O-J-E-R-R-Y'. Now, certainly from the fact that you spelled it quite differently just now and you're nametag is a piece of evidence stating the purity of that fact, obviously the contract is not your true signature." His golden eyes glinted with anger yet his face remained calm and solemn.

Mungojerrie opened his mouth to back him up with a lie, but Macavity cut him off. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe the first word you should have learned to spell correctly was 'Mungojerrie' and on the date of the signature you were not that young, so do not even try that one with me." Macavity hissed.

Mungojerrie starred at him. That was one of his excuses but he had taken it right out of his mouth. Frantically he tried to think of some defense that he could use that would sound halfway descent. For the first time in his life he didn't know what to say. He was afraid that if he'd lie he'd get punished, but if he told the truthhe'd still get punished. There was no win or lose. Taking a deep breath, he lowered his eyes and said quietly, "Ya'r roigh'. Oi sp'ell'd et wreng."

"Purposely?" Macavity said sharply.

Mungojerrie gulped, "Oieye."

Macavity leaned back in his chair. "So, when I asked for you to join with me, you became nervous yet willing. You decided to walk on a safe line and falsely sign your name, so if this job was too horrible for you you could escape with no questions asked." He paused, "Am I right?"

"Oieye, guv." Mungo replied guiltily.

Macavity smirked. "Yet, you have been caught. Something you did not plan on before hand."

Mungo bit his lower lip. "Nowe, guv, Oi dedn'."

"You're a smart boy, I credit you that much." Macavity said coldly, "However, you've messed with the wrong cat. I trust that you do know I don't take liars kindly."

"Bout, guv, Oi dedn' lioy-"

"Are you correcting me?" Macavity snapped. His eyes narrowed on the multicolored tom.

"Serry, guv." Mungo said quickly.

"Good." Macavity continued, "The fact that you failed to notify me about this is what I consider a lie. One who lies is a liar, so therefore, you are a liar."

"Oi unda'stan', guv." Mungojerrie apologized.

"As I was saying, I don't take liars kindly and you will be punished" he paused as Mungo looked up, "severely. However, we need to revise this contract. Yet" Macavity stopped and stared at Mungojerrie in thought. "And yet"

Mungojerrie's eyebrows furrowed. What was he thinking about now?

"Give me you right paw." Macavity suddenly ordered. Taking no chances, Mungojerrie did what he was told. Macavity turned the orange and black striped paw over in his hand so the wrist was facing upwards. Leaning in, he moved some of the thick fur out of the way. When he did so it revealed a rather large looking "M". Macavity smiled. "Ahh, yes, just as I thought. You're one of the them." Macavity's eyes darted up dangerously.

Mungojerrie looked down at the "M" and simply glared at it. He had forgotten all about that little brand. Macavity knew this and his smile grew wider. "Forgetting about this so soon?" He sneered evilly. He let go of his paw and leaned back once more into his chair. Mungo rubbed his wrist.

"So, no need to revise the contract. You're wearing it." Macavity said, "So this is what must've thrown your plan off. When you got this, I bet you were so infuriated with yourself you could just kill. While other henchcats would die to have this honor placed upon them, you despised it. That brand, which only my best henchcats get," he emphasized, "caused you to be forever obligated to me, giving you hardly any freedom unlike your written contract. How unbearably fortuitous." He exclaimed.

Mungojerrie glared at the Napoleon of Crime with the utmost hatred he could possibly produce. He had gotten that brand only because he was such a great henchcat and Macavity liked him. Now, that mark was nothing more than an epidemic contract.

"You do know, that since you are a henchcat of higher ranking your punishment will be more superior than expected?" Macavity added.

Mungojerrie began to feel sick. He nodded slowly and lowered his head in utter defeat. This mark ruined everything and if he could, he would without a doubt chop off his paw to rid him of this ill-fated life. Yet, he could never bring himself about to chopping off his paw; he needed it more than that.

"Good." Macavity said assuredly, "Now as for the punishment"

He was cut off by a rapid knock upon the door. The door opened and a rather young-looking henchcat stepped in. He was obviously new and very nervous.

"Don't you know never to walk in here unless I say?" Macavity growled.

"I-I'm s-s-so s-s-sorrry, sir, b-but" the kitten sputtered.

"What!?" Macavity yelled.

"Stalinclaw told me to get you. He said we are under attack by some tribe called thetheStrays." He said quickly.

Macavity let out a low, irritated growl. "Tell him I'll be right there." He said angrily.

"Y-yes, sir!" And with that, the kitten dashed out of the room.

Macavity's eyes returned to Mungojerrie. "You got off easy this time." He growled coldly, "But you are to be here no later than six tomorrow morning. If you so happen as be one minute late, I'll have your head." He stood up and stalked out of the office.

Mungojerrie gave a great sigh of relief and sunk into his chair. Great Mungo, he thought, you had to go and do something stupid to get yourself into some deep water. Nice going.

He looked up from his train of thought and his eye fell on the lonesome contract that lay upon the mass of papers. Without thinking, he quickly grabbed the contract and studied it. He was already in trouble and Macavity wouldn't need a false contractright? Just one more document to add on the mountain of papers. Yet, some tone of foreboding kept him from taking it.

"Looking for a souvenir?" Growled a cold familiar voice. Mungo jumped and looked up to see Macavity sitting in his chair, eyeing Mungo down with suspicion. Macavity seemed to have successfully acquired all possible ways of scaring people. Mungo had heard no door open or close, nor had he seen him walk to or sit in the chair, yet there he was.

Mungo quickly put down the paper. "No, guv. Oi wuz jus' luukin'. Serry." He stammered and hastily made his way to the door. Mungo looked back, but all that remained was a empty chair. With that Mungo made a speedy exit and headed off to the junkyard.

Macavity shut the door and made his way to his desk. Macavity looked down at the paper. He snatched it up and wadded it in his hand. He then walked over to the fireplace and grabbed the matches off the mantel. Quickly, he lit the fireplace and stood back to gaze upon the golden masterpiece. The flames danced wildly about the logs. The fire contained that certain life. That everlasting life that he never had. The fire made him jealous and uncertain. Happy yet sad. Calm yet angry. He liked the fire.

His face grew cold as he threw the paper into the fire. Mungojerrie was going to pay for this.



"Munkustrap, you don't understand. He was-"

"I understand, Rumpelteazer. He was hurt. However, I do not know where he has gone or where he is going to be twenty seconds from now. There is nothing I can do. I am sorry." Munkustrap explained calmly.

Rumpelteazer glared at the grey tabby. "He was hurt! I thought you're job was to protect the Jellicles." Rumpel argued.

The tabby tom rubbed his temples gingerly. "Rumpelteazer," He sighed, "That is my duty, however what I think you are declining to understand is that I can not help him. I do not know where he is located at this precise moment. The next time I see him, I will have a talk with him. I will take care of it. Believe me. Yet in the mean time, you should not worry about it. He will be fine."

"If it was Demeter, you'd go out and search for her. Make sure she's ok." Rumpel said bitterly.

Munkustrap closed his eyes and took in an unsteady breath. "That would be different"

"So you're saying you favor one Jellicle's safety over another's?" Rumpelteazer asked.

"No. That is not what I mean-"

"Then what do you mean?" Rumpel snapped.

"Oieye, Oi'd lyoike ta knowe w'otcha mean towe." Mungo piped up, sitting on an old oven.

"Mungo!" Rumpel raced over to her brother and jumped on him, knocking them both clearly off the big oven.

"Well, a' leyst sumwone es 'appy ta siee mie. 'oweva', Oi cahn't bre've, Teaz'." He said out of breath. He managed to squeeze out from under his sister's weight and grip.

"Good evening, Mungojerrie." Munkustrap said quietly. His eyes fell upon the dark scarlet scabs that lay on Mungo's face. His eyebrow's furrowed and he asked, "Those are some horrific cuts, Jerrie. How did those come about?"

Mungo licked his lip and opened his mouth to say something, yet quickly shut it to properly think about how he was going to reply.

"Oi neid ta talk ta ya" he paused and eyed Rumpelteazer, "alowne, pleize." Her gave his sister a quick nuzzle and gently pushed her along.

"Mungoo." She whined.

"Pleize, Rumpel." Mungo said quietly. Munkustrap nodded.

Rumpel pouted and reluctantly walked off to go find Etcetra.

"You must have grown a foot taller since I last saw you." Munkustrap started.

"Nowt re'ally." Mungo replied thoughtfully, looking up.

"I was joking." Munkustrap said solemnly, "I was implying that I have not seen you for a while. You have started to visit less and less. Rumpelteazer mopes around half of the day, thinking about you, and you never tell us what or where you have gone off to. What is going on, Jerrie?"

"Uhhhdat's w'ot Oi woan'ed ta taolk tooe ya 'bout." Mungo hesitantly said as he shuffled his feet.

"Also, the most I have heard of you is that you have been hurt. What kind of news is that? Have you been fighting?" Munkustrap said sternly.

"NoweOi meain yes. Wellkoinda"

"Which is it?" Munkustrap was clearly annoyed.

Mungo gave a weak smile. "Yesss"


"Bout et esn't lyoike foighten' foighten', et's mour lyoikeOi dunno!"

"Play-fighting?" Munkustrap offered hopefully.

"Yes! Oi meain nowe-"


"Nowe! Et esn't!" Mungojerrie was getting nervous and was on the brink confusing himself. For this reason, he decided to skip right to the point. "Munkustrap'ave youwe eva' 'eard ov uh cat naim'dM'cavity?"

Munkustrap stopped. His large green eyes gazed down upon Mungojerrie as if he had set off a bomb. For quite some time they sat there staring at each other until Munkustrap finally hissed, "Macavity?"

Mungojerrie looked up at the tabby tom and tried to match his gaze but the situation was making him even more nervous than he was before. "Oieye. M'cavity." Mungo gave a slight nod.

Munkustrap nodded too, his gaze lingered on a memory far away. "The Hidden Paw, the Napoleon of Crime, the Flying Squad's Despair? Yes, unfortunately. What about him?" His voice seemed to quaver with anger and fear. Then, as if a light bulb went off in the grey tom's head, his eyes shot back to Mungojerrie. "You have been fighting with him?" This time his voice was not only wavering with anger and fear, but with astonishment.


Munkustrap's eyes grew wide and he remained in utter disbelief. His mouth opened, searching for words. "W-who won, if I may ask?"

"Well, Oi ded. Et twas re'ally quoite semple." He paused, "Well, nowt re'ally. 'oweva' Oi fink Oi ded pretta' guud."

"You won?" Munkustrap's eyes grew even bigger.

"A' ferst Oi dedn', buot 'e let mie 'ave 'notha' ch'ance." Mungo replied.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean 'another chance'?" Munkustrap was clearly confused.

"Ya knowe. 'notha' ch'ance." Mungo said off-handedly, "'e dedn' lyoike mie otha' muve t'at Oi ded, sowe 'e maide mie stoart ova' fer 'notha' ch'ance."

Munkustrap blinked a few times. He had never known Macavity to give "another chance" during a fight. Had he changed? Certainly not. However, there must have to be some logic behind what Mungojerrie was saying.

"Bout Munkustrap" Mungo cautiously said.

Munkustrap snapped out of his logical reasoning to look at the multicolored tom. "Yes?"

"Thare's sumfin' Oi fink ya shuld knowe." He swallowed, "'e wuldn't let mie saye et buot-"


"M'cavity." Mungo took an unsteady breath. "Buot w'ot Oi fink Oi'm dealin' wef es uh lot muore emport'nt t'an sum we'fless cuntract."

"What do you mean, Mungojerrie?" Munkustrap's eyebrows furrowed, "What are you dealing with?"

Mungo licked his lip. His throat had become dry somewhere during the time that Munkustrap had asked the last question. "Oi" he stopped to cough. This was becoming harder than it had seemed. "Oiuhhhh," great now he was stalling, "Oiwerk fer M'cavity."

Mungojerrie cringed. The words were like a high pitch whistle that rung through his ears. He waited for the yelling to start, but it never did. He opened one eye only to find Munkustrap staring at him. Munkustrap's expression was like a bust. It was neither happy nor sad. Neither angry nor forgiving. Just simply expressionless. After moments of silence, a foreboding sigh was released from the grey tabby's chest. His emerald eyes narrowed ever so slightly and even then they still shone with imperturbable understanding like they always had.

"How long?" Munkustrap asked in a lowered voice. These words confused Mungo since Munkustrap always talked in complete sentences. However, it had a significant meaning.

"Bowt maiybe foive ye'ars." Mungo's voice matching the tabby's.

"I should have suspected it." Munkustrap said gravely. Of course this was not true. Munkustrap had forgotten about Macavity. Thought he had left town or killed himself. Instead he decided to lie low. What he wanted with Mungojerrie, he did not know. All he knew was this had to be stopped before it took a wrong turn.

"You never told me." Munkustrap finally said.

"Oi twas swern ta keip et uh secr't." Mungo argued

Munkustrap nodded. Messing with Macavity that way would have surely gotten the young tom killed. Yet"Then why are you telling me?"

"'cuzOi'm geitten' en sum 'ot wata'"

"You should have thought about that before you joined him." Munkustrap growled. He started to prowl off.

"Et's nowt lyoike ya eva' tuld mie 'e twas bad er sumfin. As ya jus' sawOi dedn't ev'n knowe ya knew 'im an' ya'r growlin' a' mie lyoike Oi ded!" Mungo said defensively.

Munkustrap stopped. He was right. Munkustrap had never told the kittens about Macavity, yet he always suspected they knew. Now that Mungojerrie was an adult, he had every right to know about Macavity. He was not being fair on their behalf.

"You are right." Munkustrap said apologetically as he turned to face him, "I should have told you about thishim sooner."

"W'ot 'bout 'this'?" Mungo said curiously.

"Macavitywell, you see, I know him very well"

"Waiyte! Lemmie guess! 'e use' ta bie ya'r bes' fr'end?" Mungo said in a sarcastic tone.

"He is my brother." Munkustrap said sternly.

Mungojerrie's eyes grew wide. Macavity and Munkustrap? That couldn't be possible! They didn't even look similar. Yetin a way, they were so much alike.

"Y-ya'r brotha'?" Mungo managed to stutter.

"My brother." His voice grew cold as he said this, "He was banished from the tribe around the time of when you were one. You probably do not remember him nor should you. He has tormented us, killed several loved ones" he stopped and looked at Mungojerrie, "stolen lives, hurt us, etc. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants and what he wants is power. Power and dominance. He also likes to see others suffer. Two nasty traits combined into one cat. We tried to teach him otherwise, when he was growing up. Yet, like others in the family, he is stubborn. Now he is banished from the Jellicles and all he wants is revenge and leadership over the tribe. Of course, he can't have that, yet he is destined to possess it. Ah, but that is where you come in. You are helping him come close to succeeding this goal. Not only do you steal and such, but you are a Jellicle. One weakness to the tribe when you are in his hands. You are a threat to our existence. Therefore, you must quit, Mungojerrie. Either that, orjoin him for good."

Mungo shook his head. "Nowe, nowe. Oi'm nowt wekin; fer 'im no mo'. Oi unda'stan'. Oi'm gunna quet 'im."



"Tag! You're it!!" Etcetra squealed as she tagged Rumpel on the shoulder.

"I don't feel like playing, Cetty." Rumpel said gloomily.

"Aw, come on, Rumpel. He'll be out in just a minute. He's probably just wanting some advice on how to beat that bully who scratched him up so bad." Etcetra said, sitting down next to Rumpel on the tire.

"Yeah, but why can't he talk about it with me too."

"You're a girl." Electra put it.

"So." Rumpel argued.

"Sohow many fights with big bad toms have you been in?" Electra pointed out.

"Welldoes my brother count?" She giggled.

Electra giggled too. "Nope."

"Say, Rumpel, have you asked about it? Maybe he hasn't told you because you've never asked." Etcetra said curiously.

"Well, not exactly-"

"See, there's your problem. You need to directly ask him about it. Knowing him, if you beg him enough, he'll tell you." Electra said with a short giggle.

"I just love how us girls can control toms." Etcetra said starry-eyed.

Rumpel and Electra looked over at her. "Yeah, and that's why Tugger's falling all over you." Electra teased.

"Ok, forget what I said." Etcetra said quickly, "Speaking of Tugger, anyone seen him lately?"

Rumpel and Electra shook their heads. "I thought he was with Misto. Down at the other end of the junkyard. You know." Rumpel said thoughtfully.

"Oooo! Come on let's go see!!" Etcetra said, jumping up. Electra got up quickly too.

"Rumpel." Electra said, turning around, "You commin'?"

Rumpel looked over at where Mungo had just disappeared with Munkustrap, then back to Electra. "Nah. I think I'm gonna stay here. Wait for Mungo. When he comes out, I'll see if he wants to go."

Electra smiled, "You know he won't."

"There's a possibilty"

"Of, like, .1%."

"Yeah, you're right, but I'm still gonna wait for him. I'll see ya around!" Rumpel said, watching her friends run off to find the Junkyard Idol.

Rumpel giggled quietly to herself. "I bet Tugger's looking good today."

"To you girls, he looks good everyday." Rumpel turned around to see Pouncival sitting right next to her on the tire.

"Oh, hello." Rumpel said, quickly becoming embarrassed.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Practically every queen in the junkyard likes him." Pouncival said.

"So," Rumpel decided to change the subject, "how're you?"

"I'm fine. Tumblebrutus had to go to the vet today, so I've just been hanging around the junkyard." Pouncival said, "How have you been?"

"I'm fine. Just waiting for Mungo to finish his little private conversation with Munkustrap." Rumpel replied.

"Oh, your brother's here? Fun!" Pouncival said, cheering up a bit, "How has he been?"

"Uhmmfine." Rumpel simplified.

"Cool." Pouncival said scratching his head.

Eventually, Mungo finished his meeting with Munkustrap and came out. "Ohwe, 'ello, Pounce." Mungo said walking over to the two.

"'ey, Mungo. Wherwhoaaa." Pouncival noticed the scars, "Munkustrap gave you those?"

Mungo and Rumpel both started to laugh. "Nowe, Pounce. Nowe." He chuckled.

"Well? Who?" Pouncival prodded.

"Ummmnowewone re'ally." Mungo said quietly rubbing his arm.

"So" Rumpel said, yet again changing the subject, "Who wants to go see Tugger?" Rumpel said with a slight giggle.

Pouncival and Mungo groaned. "Rumpel"

"Aw, come on. I bet he's dying to see ya!" Rumpel lied.

Mungo raised his eyebrows. "Ya'r spe'kin' a' ef Oi twas tha neew qwueen ov tha jun'yar'."

"Mungooo. Pleeeeaaaze??" Rumpel pleaded.

"Erg, okaye foine. But jus' fer uh minute." Mungo said.

"Yay!" Rumpel jumped up. "You coming, Pounci?"

"Uhhyou know, I think I've seen enough squawking pigeons fighting over one nut for today." Pouncival said.

Mungo started to laugh. "Ohwe! Guud wone!"

"I don't get it." Rumpel said smiling.

Mungo and Pouncival stopped laughing and looked at her. "Rooooight. Well, Oi'll siee ya lata', Pounce."

"Ok, bye. Oh yeah, have fun!" Pouncival mocked.

Mungo sighed, "Oi will." Mungo groaned and started off with Rumpel.



There was a sharp knock on Macavity's door. Macavity, slightly annoyed, answered, "Come in." He sat by the fireplace, reading some miscellaneous documents.

The door opened and Stalinclaw slipped inside, closing the door after he entered. He walked over to the fireplace, quietly, and stood there until Macavity looked up. "Oh. Hello, Stalinclaw. Suspect you're doing well." He said in a slightly irritated voice and continued to read the papers.

"Could be better." Stalinclaw replied, sitting down in the chair across from Macavity.

"Couldn't we all." Macavity looked up once more to see Stalinclaw sitting. He didn't say anything but he could clearly see that this was going to be a long conversation.

"And you are herewhy?" Macavity said, growing impatient.

"I followed Mungojerrie after he left today. Well, after our attack." Stalinclaw corrected.

"Oh." Macavity began to read the documents again.

"I overheard a conversation that he had with Munkustrap." Stalinclaw continued.

Macavity's eyes narrowed at the mention of the silver tabby, yet he didn't look up.

"He told Munkustrap." Stalinclaw growled.

"I know." Macavity said as if the news wasn't any major deal at hand.

"You know?" Stalinclaw asked quizzically.

"Yes, that's what I planned." Macavity said, turning over a paper in his hand. "That's why I gave him the rest of the day off."

"Oh." Stalinclaw leaned back in his chair. "Why did you do that, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I do mind you asking." Macavity said.

Stalinclaw nodded. Once more it was silent and all that could be heard was the cracking of the fire.

"If you have nothing more to tell me that is at least somewhat significant, then leave." Macavity said once more slightly annoyed.

Stalinclaw brought his eyes away from the fire and looked at the ginger cat. Choosing his words carefully he said quite boldly, "You know, I found out something today that might just be significant enough to tell you."

Macavity said nothing.

"While they were talking, they mentioned a certain queen by the name of Rumpelteazer. Ever heard of her?" Stalinclaw was clearly milking this for all it was worth.

"No." Macavity replied agitatedly.

"Well, this queen is obviously of a great value to Mungojerrie." Stalinclaw said slowly.

Macavity looked up.

"Yes. In fact, she's his sister." Stalinclaw said, smugly proud of the information he was giving.

"His sister?" Macavity's lips curved into a small evil smile.

"Funny how he never mentioned her?" Stalinclaw mused with a diminutive smile.

"Very funny." Macavity said, leaning back into his chair. "Mungojerrie seems to be running into a lot of snags lately, hasn't he?"

"Yes, sir." Stalinclaw replied, "He has."

"And what was her name?"


"Ah, Rumpelteazer." Macavity said slowly, as if processing the name. "We'll just have to meet this Rumpelteazer, won't we?"



"Jerrie?" Rumpelteazer said quietly to her brother on the way to the other side of the junkyard.

"Hmm?" Mungo murmured.

"Where have you been lately?" Rumpel asked.

"Uh..w'ot'dya mein, Teaz'?" Mungo replied, though he knew very well what she meant.

Rumpel pulled Mungojerrie over and looked at him. "You know what I mean." She said rather dangerously.

Mungo swallowed. "Welldowe ya mein jus' now er un awer uhgowe?"


"Alroight, alroight. Uhmmmm." Mungo began to search for words, "Oi'vestoart'd werkin' fer sumwone."

"Who?" Rumpel prodded.

"Uhmmm'is naime no' impert'nt. Bout ya'd bie glahd ta knowe Oi qwuittin'." Mungo said with a smile.

"Really?" Rumpel said, her spirits lifting.

"Yup. Gunna qwuit ta'murrowe."

"Good." Rumpel started to walk again, this time holding Mungo's hand.

"Is he" Rumpel started, looking over at Mungo, "the one who gave youthose?" She pointed at the scars.

Mungo paused and then said quietly, "Oieye."

"Oh." Rumpel said, going back to walking in silence. However, after a few minutes she started up again, "So, he's not nice. Is he?"

Mungo thought on this question. Macavity wasn't necessarily meanwell, maybe he was, but at times he could be nice too. Right? Ok, maybe not.

"Uhyeah, 'e's uhnoice. Oi guiess ya cuuld call et." Mungo lied, scratching his head.

"He is?" Rumpel said uncertainly, "Then why'd he give you those scars?"

"UhOi jus' gowt en uh foigh' wef 'im. Et's no' biig de'al." Mungo covered up.

"Then I wanna know why you've come home with cuts, bruises, and even broken limbs before?" Rumpel said, stopping Mungojerrie and pulling him over once more. "Is that just some more 'unimportant' fights? Why? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"Uh" Mungo began to avoid her eyes.

"There is something you're not telling me!" Rumpel accused, "Come on, Mungo. Tell me. It's not like you work" Rumpel stopped. Mungo looked at Rumpel whose eyes suddenly became as wide as quarters. "Youdon't work forhim do you?" Rumpel asked slowly as if the words were painful.

"Oiw'o's 'im'?" Mungo asked.

"You do!" Rumpel gasped, "Oh, Bastet, you do!!" Rumpel's hands flew over her mouth.

"Rumpelles'en ta mie" Mungo tried to grab Rumpel but she pulled away as if he were some criminal.

"No!" Rumpel began to dash away from Mungo.

"Rumpel!" Mungo leapt after her. Catching her, they both tumbled to the ground. Mungo tried to get hold of her but she was thrashing about so much that it was impossible to grab her. Finally, Mungo caught her and pinned her down. She began to scream but Mungo threw his free hand over her mouth.

"Rumpel! Shhh!" He said softly, "Rumpel, les'en ta-" she thrashed around some more, "Stop! Rumpel! Les'en!" She stopped. He waited for a minute for her to catch her breath before he let go of her mouth.

"You-you work for Macavity? But you can'tyouI" She stuttered.

Mungo stopped. How did she know about Macavity? "Rumpel. Cahlm downe." He said gently, "Jus' taike uh noice breaf en an' ouwt." He got up off of her and sat down next to her. He put his head on his knees and took a long, deep sigh.

"Butwhy?" Rumpel asked, sitting up.

"Oi neva' knew 'e wuz 'at bahd. 'ones'." Mungo sighed helplessly, "Ef Oi cuuld, Oi'd gowe bahck an' neva' werk fer 'im. Bout sence Misto 'asn't envent'd uh toime ma'shin, Oi fink 'at op'tion es ouwta moiy reach." He paused, "'ow dowe youwe knowe 'bout 'im?"

Rumpel starred at him, confused. "Munkustrap warned us about him. He told us that he was a very bad cat and if we saw him we were to tell him about it immediately. Besides, ya could have told me, I would have tried to help." Rumpel offered.

"Wef w'ot, neva' werkin' fer 'im?" Mungo replied, "Beisoides, Oi cuuldn't tell ya."

"Of course you could've"

"Nowe, Oi mein Oi wuz fisically unable towe." Mungo explained, "'e swore mie towe uh cuntract. Oi cuuldn't. Else 'e'd kill mie."

"Wellrip up the contract!"

"Et's aolready bein distoiy'd, Oi'm prettie sh'ure." Mungo's eyes narrowed.

"Well, then we don't need to worry about it then!" Rumpel said joyfully, "You don't technically work for him anymore."

Mungo stayed silent.

"Come on, you're quitting anyway. No need to be gloomy. It'll all be fixed tomorrow." Rumpel said getting up and shoving out a paw to pull him up.

Mungo looked up at her and smiled. She lived such a carefree and optimistic life. He admired her for that. Taking her paw he stood up and gave her a hug.

"Le's jus' 'ope sowe." Mungo said quietly to himself.



"Soooo, I was running from these pollicles, you see. Now these pollicles weren't any ordinary pollicles. These pollicles were about the size of the old oven on the far side of the junkyard. And there were four of 'em."

"Whoa, those were some big dogs." Electra exclaimed.

"You bet." Tugger said, smoothing his hair back.

"So what happened?" Jemima asked curiously.

"Well, I'd never been down in this part of town before so when I ran down this one alley way I soon ran into a dead end." Tugger continued.

"Oh, no!" Electra and Jemima both exclaimed.

"Yea. So I was trapped and the only thing I could do was fight. So I turned around." He stopped to make a dramatic climax.

"And??" Electra and Jemima cried, fully in suspense.

"And then"

"THEN??" Electra shrieked.

"And then" Now Tugger was just teasing them.

"Oh, just go ahead and tell them the bloody story." Alonzo said, not even opening an eye from his nap, "Before you give us all a heart-attack."

"Then I woke up." Tugger said finally, leaning back and smiling broadly.

"Tugger!!!" Jemima and Electra sighed in unison.

"What?" Tugger gave a michevious grin, "I asked 'wanna hear what I did last night?'-"

"Thank the everlasting cat that was the only thing you told us about last night." Munkustrap groaned.

Tugger chuckled. "Oh, but I can go into detail"

"Please, don't." Munkustrap said agitatedly.

"Oh my!" Tugger whined in mock horror, "Munky-boy here said a contraction!"

"Tugger." Munkustrap sighed.

"Come on, Munkus. Can I call you Munkus?" Tugger received a death glare, "Munkustrap, I was only messin' with ya'!" He gave him a noogy.

"Stop!" Munkustrap shoved his paws off his head.

"What's up with you, Munkustrap? You're acting a little up-tight, don'tcha think?" Alonzo asked, again not looking up from his nap.

"Today just has not been the greatest of days." Munkustrap sighed. He sat down on a nearby paint can and began to rub his temples. "The silence in your presence is bothering me, Tugger. Where is Etcetra?"

"Uhhhshe fainted." Tugger said, jerking his thumb over to where she lay.

"Again?" Munkustrap groaned.


"Watchit!!!" Mistoffelees yelled from across the clearing.

Tugger turned around to see a bright glowing ball flying towards him. He ducked as it sailed past and flew into a hubcap, burning a hole in it.

"What the-?" Tugger said standing up and looking at the hubcap.

"Sorry." Misto apologized, running over to them, "My powers haven't been working all too well lately."

"You could've killed me!" Tugger yelled, "Or worse! Burnt my mane!"

"I truly am sorry." Misto said.

"Mistoffelees, can you please try not to mess up or at least not practice while others are around." Munkustrap said, inspecting the hubcap.

"Yes, sir." Misto said quietly. With that, he waved his hands and the spot magically disappeared. Munkustrap sighed and sat back down on the paint can.

Meanwhile, Tugger's fan club had already raced over to see if Tugger was alright.

"Are you ok? Tugger? Did you get hurt??" Jemima and Electra said franticly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. It didn't even hit me." Tugger said, brushing some dirt off his shoulder.

"You missed a spot." Came a voice from behind.

Tugger turned around to see Rumpelteazer standing right behind him, giving him one of the biggest smiles he had ever seen.

"Great. There's more of 'em?" He said with a wink, "Thanks, babe."

Rumpelteazer went over to Jemima and Electra, who were all freaking out that Tugger called her "babe".

"Girls, can you please tone it down a bit? I have a bad headache and I don't want it to get worse." Munkustrap groaned, not looking up from rubbing his temples.

Tugger smiled. "Psst..." Tugger whispered to the girls, "You chicks can freak out all you want."

"OH MY WORD!!! DID YOU HEAR THAT??? HE CALLED US 'CHICKS'!!!" The mini fanclub squealed, runnin around in circles.

"TUGGER!!!" Munkustrap growled.

"Sorry, bro." He said helplessly, "It was just so tempting."

Mungo sat quietly on an old broken down ironing board across from them. He just watched, amused by the whole situation.

"Oi siee dat Tugga' still' 'as 'is fintas'tik sense ov 'umor." Mungo said with a smile.

Everyone looked over and noticed the solitary cat, sitting there, smiling at all of them.

"Well, I'd be dam-darned," he quickly corrected, "if it ain't the King of Humor. Whatzup?" Tugger said, making his way over to the calico tom..

"Ohwe..." He glanced over at Munkustrap then back at Tugger, "Nuthan' re'ally." He replied off-handedly.

"Nothing?" Raising an eyebrow, "I find that hard to believe."

Mungo noticed that he was looking at his scratches while he said this. Mungo looked away from him and noticed Misto.

"'ey, Misto!" Mungo waved.

"Hi, Mungo. Have you been doing ok?" Misto asked.

"Yea', Oi'v bien foine." Mungo said, "Oi sauw ya'v bien 'avin' probl'ms wef ya'r ma'gik."

"Yeah." Misto looked down at his hands, "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. They just won't work."

"Well, w'ot ded ya troiy ta dowe?" Mungo asked hopping off the ironing board and walking over.

"Well, I-"

"He tried to kill me." Tugger snorted.

"I did not!" Misto protested.

"Oi'm as'k'in' Misto, w'ot were ya troiyen ta dowe?" Mungo repeated.

"I tried to turn the hubcap gold, but Tugger got in the way and I mumbled something wrong, and it turned into a fireball." Misto explained.

Mungo picked up the hubcap and turned it over, smiling. "Well, ya tern'd et gol'."

Misto looked at the underside of the hubcap to see a brilliant gold shining back at him.

"I knew it had to work!" Misto said, taking the hubcap and looking at the gold tint.

"Et luuks lyoike ya'r ge'in betta' a' ya'r ma'gik afta aoll." Mungo said.

Misto nodded but before he could reply he was interrupted by a loud screech, "MACAVITY!!!"

Everyone jumped as they noticed Demeter had entered the clearing. She began to back up, but noticing Munkustrap, she quickly scampered over behind him. He stood up at the mention of the name. Eyeing Mungojerrie briefly before sniffing the air and inspecting the clearing with his eyes.

"Demeter," Munkustrap said finally, "I do not smell anything."

"It's very faint, but I can smell him." Demeter quickly whispered, her voice quavering with fear.

"W'are es et cumin' frum?" Mungojerrie piped up.

Demeter quickly sniffed the air. "Somewhere from behind you." She said to Mungojerrie.

Mungo quickly got over next to Munkustrap. He looked up at Munkustrap who stared into the darkness of the junk were Demeter had pointed.

Demeter began to shiver more violently. "He's coming closer." She whimpered, cowering down behind Munkustrap and Mungojerrie. Then suddenly her head popped up and a look of horror spread across her face.

"What is it?" Munkustrap asked without turning around.

"Y-you-y-you" She managed to stammer, backing away from the toms, "M-m-mmu-Mungojerrie."

Mungojerrie turned around. "W'ot?" He said cautiously.

"Demeter, what are you trying to say? Do you smell Macavity?" Munkustrap asked, turning around also.

"Y-yy-yes." Demeter replied, "It-it'ss c-coming ff-fffromMungojerrie."

Mungojerrie began to back away. "M-mie?"

Demeter's face turned to hatred. "Yes. You."

Munkustrap's eyes shot from Demeter to Mungojerrie. "Maybe" Munkustrap began.

"Maybe nothing! He's been with Macavity." Demeter accused.

"Oi..oi" Mungo began to back away even more. He looked at Tugger and Alonzo, who just stared, wide eyed, back. Then he looked to Munkustrap who looked like he was deep in thought.

"Demeter. Calm down. Let us not start to criminate each other." Munkustrap said calmly.

"He's been with him! He smells like him, he has scars, and he hasn't been here for weeks!" Demeter screeched.

Munkustrap looked back at Mungojerrie, clearly acknowledging that he did not know what to say next.

Mungo couldn't bare to look at either one of them, instead he looked down at his feet.

"Mungo?" Tugger asked slowly, "Let's just put this bluntly, do you know who Macavity is?"

"Oiye." Mungo said with a short nod.

"Have you been anywhere near him for the past couple of days?" Tugger continued.

Mungo bit his bottom lip. "Oiye." He said quietly.

"Ok." Tugger nodded, "When was the last time you were near him?"

"Towedaiye." Mungo said even quieter.

"What?" Tugger said leaning in.

"Towedaiye. Oi wuz wef 'im towedaiye." Mungo said loudly, looking up.

"Well." Tugger said with satisfactory.

"I will take it from here, Tugger." Munkustrap said, going over to Mungojerrie. "What do you want to do, Mungo?" Munkustrap said quietly to Mungo.

"Oi wanna lieve." Mungo answered.

"You have to stay, Mungo." Munkustrap said, "Do you want to tell them?"

"Oi" Mungo looked out at all the faces who were watching him, "OiOi'll tell 'em."

"Ok, good boy." He said, patting him on the back and stepping behind him.

"Oi" Mungo stopped as his eyes fell upon Demeter, who just glared back., "Oi werk fer M'cavity."

Demeter's eyes got wide. "You're one of his henchcats?"


"You traitor!" Demeter hissed.

"Oi'm no traiy'ter." Mungo hissed back.

"You work for Macavity, that's more than a traitor. It's a complete enemy!" Demeter began to extend her claws.

Munkustrap stepped in after he saw Demeter's claws. "Demeter. We are not going to fight him. He is still our friend."

"He's not a friend of mine." Demeter said coldly.

"Demeta'" Mungo said helplessly, "Oi'm nowt gunna 'urt ya."

"How do I know your not lying?" Demeter snapped back.

"Oi gev ya mie doubel promise."

"Like that helps?"

"You can't get more honest than that." Rumpelteazer piped up, "Believe me."

Demeter didn't say anything.

"Well, now that we're all on the same note, will someone please explain this a little further?" Tugger asked.



Later that day

Mungo sat on the edge of Mary's bed, deep in thought. "Sowe now t'at tha 'ole bloody junk'yar' knowes 'bout mie werkin' fer M'cavity" He punched a pillow. "Jus' greait, Mungo. Jus' peachy. W'oy'd ya 'afta gowe an' tell 'em anywaye?" He stopped. Of course he very well knew that answer to that question.

"At least it's over with." Rumpel said quietly.

"Whoa!" Mungo fell off the bed. "Whare'd youwe cume frum?"

"The door's open, silly." Rumpel said, looking over the edge of the bed at her fallen brother.

Mungo jumped up on the bed and began to clean himself.

"Wow. That's a first." Rumpel said, studying her brother.

"W'otoh." Mungo noticed he was cleaning himself, "Oi dowe et upon a'ccaion." He smiled, "Whoiy? Am Oi toowe de'rty fer Miss Clean ova' thare?"

"Nowe, nowe." She giggled.

Mungo began to lick his paws. His sandpaper tongue wiping his fur clean of all dirt clumps.

Rumpel, meanwhile, watched him. Not too keen on what was going on for she was daydreaming.

"Youwe uhwaike ova' thare?" Mungo said, looking up from his paw.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah." Rumpel shook her head out of thought. "Sooowhatcha wanna do?"

"Oi dunnowe. W'otcha wanna dowe?" Mungo said in-between licks.

"I dunno."

"Well, wie're jus' lyoike twoe bumps on uh log, aren' wie?" Mungo chuckled. He moved on to his right paw.

Rumpel giggled.

"Let's do something. I'm bored." Rumpel said after a few minutes.

"Well, Oi'm serry. Lemme jus' finish uop an' then wie cahn dowe sumfin'." Mungo said.

"Jerrie." Rumpel said quietly.

"W'ot?" Mungo was now getting annoyed.

"What's that?" Rumpel asked.

"W'ot's w'ot?" He looked up at her.

"That." She pointed to Mungo's paw, which he was just cleaning.

Mungo looked down at it to see that he had moved the fur on his wrist to reveal the brand.

"Ohwe. T'at? Well" He rubbed his fur to cover it up, "Et's jus' uh markin'. Ya knowe 'ow Oi gowt uh bunch ov 'em aoll ova' mie."

"Cool, can I see?" Rumpel said moving in.

"Uhwell, Oi koinda dun cleanin'. Oi wuz koinda wenderin' w'ot wie shuld dowe." Mungo said.

"Oh, right. Welluhwe could take a walk?" Rumpel offered, "It's a beautiful night. Not a cloud in the sky and there's a full moon."

"Uh walk?" Mungo flinched. It could be dangerous taking a walk while he was on Macavity's bad list.

"Oh, please??" Rumpel whined.

"Uhhhhshore." Mungo said against better judgment.

"Fun! Come on! I'll race ya to the door." Rumpel said, hopping up.

"Ok." Mungo smiled, "Las' wone thare 'as ta giv tha wenner uh bahck mussage."

"You're on." Rumpel said, "Ok, on my mark. 123!!" Rumpel scrambled out of the room, Mungo right behind her.

"Cume owne, slowe poke." Mungo teazed, "Ya'r slowen' mie douwne."

"Well, then why don't you just pass me?" Rumpel huffed.

They got to the edge of the stairs. Rumpel flying down them one at a time, while Mungo took big leaps, skipping at least three at a time.

"Dun't moind ef Oi dowe." Mungo laughed, passing her sister and making it off the stairs. He raced into the kitchen and out the cat flap. Rumpel came a few seconds later.

"Whare 'ave ya bein? Oi've gowne ta Choina an' bahck." Mungo taunted once more.

"Yeah right." Rumpel said, pushing him into the bushes.

"'ey!" Mungo pulled himself out of the bushes, "T'at wuzen't vary noice." Mungo mocked.

Rumpel simply smiled like an angel.

"Aolroight, cume owne, youwe." And with that they started their walk.

They made it all the way to the city. Walking down the empty streets of London. Looking into all the shop windows. They stopped at a fountain in the middle of Main Street's square.

"Sowe. Betcha youwe 'aven't bein 'ere en uh w'oile." Mungo said, looking into the penny infested water.

"Nope." Rumpel replied dreamily. "Hey, remember when we were just kits and we used to see how many coins we could get?"

Mungo smiled. "Yup, then wone daiye ya fell en."

"Hey!" Rumpel said, batting at his ear, "Only because you pushed me."

Mungo laughed.

"Well, you did!"

"Oi'm nowt denoiyen' et!" Mungo said, "Buot Oi'd lyoike towe knowe w'o sayved ya?" Mungo smiled.

"You did." Rumpel replied, trying to hold back her smile.

"Cume owne. Oi wuz jus' messin' wef ya." Mungo gave her a quick hug.

"I know." She said quietly.


"Hmmm?" Rumpel leaned her head on her brother's shoulder.

"Oi luv ya."

Rumpel looked up and smiled, "I love you too."


Next day

Mungojerrie managed to wake up in plenty of time to make the deadline of six o'clock the next morning. When he got to the lair, something in the air made Mungo a little uneasy, but he slipped in and headed down the long corridor. There weren't many henchcats in the hallways for it was too early for them to be out. However, from the few he ran into, they didn't seem too happy to see him. Rounding one of the corners, he ran into Luarz. Luarz was a new henchcat that Mungo had tended to like and as time passed they became good friends. Luarz occasionally did night shifts so it wasn't too much of a surprise when he ran into him. Today, though, Luarz wasn't glad to see him.

"Mungo." Luarz said in dismay, shaking his head, "Macavity isn't very happy with you."

"Oi knowe." Mungo mumbled.

"Good luck, bud." He said with a faint smile, "If you make it out alive, come see me."

"Thoanks, dat's re'al cumfertin'." Mungo groaned, "Bout Oi'll cume siee ya." With that Mungo continued down the hallway.

When he got to Macavity's door, he stopped. This was his last chance to turn around and run for his life, but he knew that would only bring more trouble. He took a deep breath, and finally knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Mungo peeked his head in. Macavity was sitting at his desk, talking to Stalinclaw and Griddlebone. When they saw him, they immediately got up and left. Stalinclaw wore a smile only fit for the devil himself and when he passed Mungo he gave him nudge. Still smiling he whispered in an oddly delightful voice, "Have fun." When the cats had left and the door was shut, Macavity beckoned Mungo over to the chair across from him.

"So." Macavity said, the word lingering idly in the air, "How have you been?" This question obviously seemed to be lacking complete meaning to Mungojerrie.

"Uhmmfoine." He said cautiously.

"Good." Macavity paused, "What did you do yesterday when you left?"

Macavity obviously knew he told Munkustrap, but he decided to cut the story short and leave that little part out, "Oi went towe tha jounkyar' an' Oi 'ung ouwt sum frie-otha cahts" He managed to catch himself, "Then Oi went 'ome."

Macavity nodded his head. "Not too detailed in stories, are we?" Macavity raised an eyebrow, "So what did you talk about with the other cats, or as you like to refer to them, your friends?"

'Dangit. He caught that'. Mungo thought.

"Well," Mungo thought before continuing, "Wie toalk'd 'boutwhoiy tha 'ubcap dedn' tern gol' when et re'alla' ded." Mungo stopped. 'What do I say??' "Uhhhan' t'at t'was tha main tawpik re'alla', sowe aoll tha otha' cunversa'ions wer nowt t'at enta'restin'." Mungo said quickly.

"Really?" Macavity leaned back in his chair, "Not too interesting enough to tell me?"

"Naw'. No' re'alla'."

"Hmmm" Macavity pondered, "So there's nothing you want to tell me?"

Mungo didn't answer.

"Or perhaps there is something you want to tell me, but you don't want to tell me for fear that you may get in even more trouble." Macavity said curiously.

Mungo still didn't reply.

"I'm taking that as a yes." Macavity's temper was rising, "What if I told you I knew what you didn't want to tell me? Would you tell me then?"

"Yes." Mungo was getting uneasy again.

"So?" Macavity prodded.

"Oi tol' Munkustrap." Mungo answered quickly.

"About?" Macavity growled.

"Tha cuntract." Mungo begun to feel weak when Macavity only glared at him and didn't answer.


"You what?" Macavity snapped, "Your sorry?"

Mungo remained silent.

"I bet you're wondering what your punishment is?" Macavity hissed.

Mungo nodded slightly.

"Well," Macavity began, "I have a task I want you to do. But don't get too comfortable. This is your punishment."

"Oieye, guv." Mungo said solemnly.

Macavity leaned back in his chair, rolling his fingers on the arm rest. "I want you to kill Munkustrap."

Mungo's eyes shot up. "W'ot?" Mungo choked.

"You are to kill Munkustrap by tomorrow." Macavity repeated.


"You will kill him." Macavity ordered angrily, "No questions asked."

Mungo's face turned to utter shock. 'Kill him?' Mungojerrie thought in horror, 'I can't. I won't.'

Mungo glared up at Macavity. "Nowe."

"It is not an option. You are killing him and that's final." Macavity snarled.

"Oi'm nowt killin' 'im o' aniewone else." Mungojerrie snarled back.

Macavity lunged towards Mungojerrie, knocking him to the ground. Grabbing him, he shoved him against the wall. It wasn't until Mungojerrie tried to move that he felt a sharp claw at his neck.

"Are you declining my order?" Macavity hissed.

Mungo reached for Macavity's arm but the sharp pain in his neck grew worse.

"You move and I swear I will rip this throat right out of your neck. Do you understand me?"

Mungo nodded.

"My orders are not to be rejected. You will do them." Macavity growled, "Now if you have any objection, speak up now."

Gaining courage he said, "Oi wanna quet."

Macavity stared at him blankly. He wanted to quit? This was not what Macavity was expecting to hear. His eyes narrowed. How dare a henchcat request to quit? Especially Mungojerrie. Was he wanting a death wish?

"You what?" Macavity hissed.

"Oi'm quettin'." Mungo said more officially.

Macavity's jaw dropped. Was he out of his mind? He was now demanding that he quit.

"I don't believe you understand, Mungojerrie." Macavity growled dangerously, "This is not a job that you quit. When you join me, you work for me for life. And since you are not in the position to protest, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and do as you're told."

"Oi quet." Mungo replied coldly, completely ignoring the threat.

"Do you want to be killed?" Macavity hissed.

"Youwe cahn't kill mie." Mungo replied, raising his right paw.

Macavity looked at the paw and nodded in disgust. He let go of the calico.

"You do know that you can't quit either because of that." Macavity informed.

"Thes esn't uh le'gahl cuntract." Mungo argued, "Et's jus' uh brand showin' Oi werk'd fer youwe."

"It'll mean what I say it will mean." Macavity growled back, "Besides," He smiled evilly, "Do I ever do anything legally?"

Mungo simply glared back at the ginger cat. Getting fed up with the whole situation, he turned and headed for the door. Opening it, he faced Macavity once more, "Oi quet an' ya'r nowt gunna stop mie." He started to walk out.

"Then I'll kill your sister." Macavity simply said.

Mungo stopped dead in his tracks. "W'ot ded youwe saye?" He growled, turning around.

"Then I'll kill your sister. You know, Rumpelteazer." He was rather enjoying this.

"Youwe...youwe..." Mungo was speechless.

"I...I..." Macavity taunted back, "How did I know? I found out yesterday."

"Youwe dun't laiye uh paw owne 'er!" Mungo snarled advancing on the tom.

"Or what will you do? Kill me?"

"Youwe culdn't kill 'er." Mungo said, eyes narrowing.

"Well, I don't think you should be running that risk, should you?" Macavity said with a smile, "Anyway, it wouldn't be that hard, once you think about it. I mean if I can kill your mother, I can kill your sister."

Mungo's eyes got wide. "Youwe kill'd moiy-"

"Yes, and I'd do it again if I had the chance." Macavity replied.

"W'ot ded shie eva' dowe ta youwe?" Mungo said coldly.

"Do you know who you are the descendant of?" Macavity asked.

Mungo didn't reply.

"Your the great, great grandchild of Growltiger." Macavity said.


"Yes." Macavity's eyes narrowed, "You have a remarkable way of stealing. Have you ever wondered where you may have inherited that? Well, your mother was just the same way. She was competition for me. So I offered her to work for me. However, she refused. So I killed her." Macavity said without care.

"Youwe ba'st'ed!" Mungo growled.

Macavity just smiled back.

"So. Are you up to doubting me? I can assure you that I can kill your sister just as easily."

Mungo let out a low growl.

"I'll let you think about it. You have until tomorrow, remember that." Macavity said walking over to his desk once more, "You're dismissed."


PART 2....